LVC London School of English

148 Old Kent Road,, London, England SE1 5TY., UK

All courses

LVC London School of English offers the following course types:

starting at

starting at

starting at

starting at

starting at

starting at


  • Entrance to LVC London School of English 1/5
  • Reception of LVC London School of English 2/5
  • Classroom at LVC London School of English 3/5
  • LVC London School of English 4/5
  • LVC London School of English 5/5

Visa support

We cannot apply for visas on behalf of students. However, the school can supply you with all the documentation you need to support your visa application.

If you are studying in the UK for over 11 months, you will receive a reference number called a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) that you need to submit to the UK embassy along with your General Student Visa application. Students who have successfully booked a language course and have paid their fees will receive a CAS from . Please note that UK law states that a CAS can only be issued to students who intend to pursue English language studies for over 11 months.

If you are studying in the UK for 11 months or less, you have to apply for a special visitor visa called a Student Visitor Visa. As a student visitor, you will not be able to work part-time while studying. If you plan to study in the UK for 11 months or less, a letter of acceptance will be sent to your home address by regular mail at no charge to you. If you wish to receive your paperwork by express mail, you will be charged £ 50 when you register.

Learn more about how to get a UK visa »

Flights and airport transfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to London based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Travel insurance

Study abroad worry-free with Language International's health and personal effects insurance coverage. When you book a course with us, you can opt to purchase an international insurance plan that covers not only your health care cost but also loss of your personal belongings. You must book your insurance in advance when you register.

Learn more about our insurance plan »



148 Old Kent Road,
England SE1 5TY.

School location

Old Kent Road is rich in British history and culture. It is located between zones 1 and 2 in the boroughs of Southwark & Lewisham.

Southwark is a multi-cultural area, full of quirky cafés and bars where you can enjoy fresh soup, salads, pastries, homemade cakes, sandwiches, and fair-trade coffee. The neighborhood is also full of little shops and a modern shopping centre is due to be completed soon.


Questions and answers

Have questions? Get answers from LVC London School of English staff, Language International student advisors, and past students.

Ask a question

"Olá, gostaria de ter informaçoes completas a respeito do meu caso. Eu quero fazer um curso de ingles, primeiramente gostaria de saber se é possivel fechar um pacote de 2 semanas para ver como funciona, se eu me sentir bem aí sim fecharia mais 3 meses. E gostaria de saber como funciona em relaçao ao visto e pagamento. Se vocês me enviam alfum tipo de documento comprovando que irei estudar e como eu faço os pagamentos do curso."

Gabriel Barreto, student from Brazil
Renata C, LVC London School of English school representative (Marketing and Sales Officer)


não há problema em fechar um curso inicialmente de 2 semanas (15 horas por semana). Se você gostar pode depois fechar os demais meses, o problema de fazer isso é qua imigração pode te dar uma quantidade de dias menor do que 2 meses e aí não seria possivel extender as suas aulas. O ideal seria fechar os 3 meses.

Nossos cursos começam todas as segundas e o ideal é fazer o teste de nivelamento antes para sabermos o seu nível de inglês.

Pode fazer o teste aqui nesse link

Pagamento funciona da seguinte forma
Voce efetua o pagamento conosco podendo ser via Cartão de crédito(3% taxa), transferência bancaria(3% taxa) ou Pay to Study (sem taxas).

O pagamento sendo efetuado,enviamos para você uma carta de aceitação da escola ou Visa Letter onde voce deverá apresentar na imigração quando estiver chegando.

É importante apresentar na imigração as informacoes de onde for ficar, a quantidade de dinheiro que está trazendo para arcar com as suas despesas e qualquer outro documento que prove que voce está aqui apenas por um período e pretende voltar para o Brasil.

Demais dúvidas estou a disposição,

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